MAB Foundation Young Professional Awards Nomination Form

The MAB Young Professional Awards recognize and honor two young professionals (one in Radio, one in Television) who have made a significant impact on advancing broadcasting or media within their organization, demonstrated exceptional leadership potential, and established an understanding of broadcast industry standards, practices and ethics.

Award Criteria

  • Currently working for an MAB member or associate member station or company in good standing
  • Meets the definition of a young professional:
    • A person 35 years of age or younger at the time of nomination, employed full-time by a MAB member broadcast station or company in Michigan (Students not eligible)
  • Demonstrates strong leadership skills (Examples required)
  • Demonstrates strong teamwork skills (Examples required)
  • References from senior management of a member station required (General Manager must be one of the references)

Nomination Criteria

  • The nomination form must be completed in full and contain sufficient information documenting the nominee’s contributions and achievement to accurately determine the candidate’s eligibility and qualifications for the award
  • Self-nomination is not permitted
  • The nominee must be nominated by their company’s General Manager (or equivalent)

The nomination submission must contain:

  • Complete MAB Young Professional Award online application
  • At least 2 letters of nomination, one from the lead nominator (General Manager or equivalent) and another from current or past colleagues or managers
  • Nominee’s education history, including if the individual participated in or benefited from MAB Foundation programs while in school
  • Summary of major contributions
  • Resume or biography
  • Lead nominator’s name and contact information
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Summarize the nominee’s major contributions to broadcasting as well as community service, giving specific dates and stations and/or other affiliations.

20MB max

Attach the resume or biography of the nominee

20MB max

Attach a letter of recommendation from nominee's general manager or equivalent. 

20MB max

Attach a letter of recommendation from a current or past colleague or manager

20MB max

Attach any relevant documents that support the nomination such as clips, tapes, supporting letters of recommendation, etc. (Optional)

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